Hello there!

Time for another BIG update! Many new stuff, scenes, fixes, areas, etc.

Here's the exact list:

New Scene: Stalker Double Penetration

  • This scene is one of the longest in the game, can be seen by being defeated by a Cum Stalker. This scene also becomes available at the Brothel after the Cum Trials are completed.

New Scene: PumpKing Upside-down fuck.

  • This scene can be found be defeating the Pumpking at the Halloween event located at the Dryad Kingdom.

New Collectible: Kunnai Zeta Double Penetration

  • This collectible can be found at the Deeps of the Earth Trial. This Collectible was suggested by a Zeta Supporter. Thank you for the support!

New Special Item: Rudolph's Skull

This powerful item halves all ice damage received and allows Kunnai to do two acts per turn instead of one. Can be unlocked at the Black Market Dealer with the code: 252024.

Merry Christmas!!!


  • Path To The Bog size lowered, and enemies re-localised now should be easier to travel.
  • Brothel's moans will no longer be heard during cut-scene replay
  • Goblin at tavern will no longer attack loop player when chosen the bad ending.
  • Black Market Dealer Special Item menu re-organised.
  • Special Chests at Wind Trial no longer re-spawn.
  • Abby's 4th human concubine can now be placed correctly.
  • Void's Brothel NPCs no longer walk towards walls when reloading map.
  • Void's Cum Stains no longer walk towards walls when reloading map. (Lol)
  • Cum Stalkers size increased.
  • Patreon Code Changed to new one.
  • Removed Futabrine


Daughter of The Void V.0.4.2 Changelog:

New Ability portraits:

  • Swallow now has a special ability graphic to depict the action. (Naked)
  • Drinking Cum now as a Larva has a special ability graphic to depict the action.
  • Drinking Cum now as a Alpha has a special ability graphic to depict the action.
  • Drinking Cum now as a Zeta has a special ability graphic to depict the action.

    (Upon seeing these for the first time, a naked version is also added to your gallery.)

New Mini game: Milking.

  • This is a new Minigame that requires precision and timing. It allows you to milk both tits and cocks to gather special materials. These mechanics are currently tied to the NPC Abby.

Abby's House added.

  • This new area can be located at the left of Lust lands. Abby will offer her place for Kunnai to place Concubines for Milking purposes.

New Shop: Human Concubines

  • Talking to Tigs the goblin about purchasing a human now offers a variety of such, these can be placed on your Bog's housing (Only One regular Male, No minigame, just the sucking as before), or at Abby's house (Mini game for each, difficulty depending on the type).

New Items added:

  • Female Human Concubine (For Minigame)
  • Female Human Concubine+ (For Minigame)
  • Male Human Concubine (For Minigame)
  • Male Human Concubine+ (For Minigame)
  • Human Milk (Battle Defense Buff)
  • Prime Human Milk (Battle Attack Buff)
  • Prime Human Elixir (Battle efficiency Buff)
  • New Bath Type: Cum Bath

You can now unlock human Cum Baths for 50 jars (Includes new graphics for all forms). Upon unlocking, you may use these as much as you wish. These will fill depravity to the fullest.


  • Increased the quality of new and existing Bath graphics.
  • Levelling curves adjusted slightly.
  • Abby's Milking scene is now animated and added as part of the milking mini game.
  • Plus anything I might had missed.


Daughter of The Void V.0.4.1H3 Changelog:

  • Text Window resized to fit text better
  • Player can now toggle Auto Skip, Fast Foward, Save, Load, and more on text windows.
  • Player can now hide the Text Window when needed to appreciate scenes better.
  • Text Window reworked to look better and a little more unique
  • Player can now view their message logs at the Log Book, next to the bestiary and Quests.
  • Sprites for Abby and Simia reworked to have the big booba
  • Abby Milking Scene now has better transition
  • Player may now visit the Black Market Dealer to reset their save file. This will create a copy of your save, keeping all your items, levels, Vbs, etc. The new save will start the game from the beginning. This allows you to refresh your file and make sure all newest updates work correctly.
  • New Collectible (Kunnai Self Suck Futa) Now can be found at the Forgotten Chambers, next to Simia's Place.


Daughter of The Void V.0.4.1H2 Changelog:

-Game no longer runs background parallel events.

-Game areas optimized, all larger game areas such as The path to the Bog, Void Castle, The Bog, and others, now should run way smoother

-New Cutscenes replay method at brothel, can now offer a huge FPS boost while watching cutscenes from the brothel. If you suffer of FPS issues on battle sex scenes, do check the brothel out.

-Index color fixes for the newest NPCs

-Essence Lakes creatures now re-spawn correctly.

-Brothel Gate now opens correctly if player has reloaded the scene while watching cutscenes.

-Game no longer caches images upon start, to reduce ram usage on slower systems

-Elemental Core Guardians no longer attack-loop the player after completing the trial.

-All NPCs now have a slight breathing animation to add more immersion


Daughter of The Void V.0.4.1 Changelog:      

  -New area: Gold room

  • A new mysterious room connected to the Forgotten chambers. This room promises riches for those who have the luck.

       -New Npc: Simia

  • Siamia can be found at the Gold Room. You will need a few resources to bring her back and play her mini game. She offers high level luck items, a new mini game, and includes her nude versions.

    -New Minigame: Soul Coin Bet

  • This minigame is all about luck and chance. It will give the player riches beyond what anything else in the game offers. You can bet without Vbs, but if you can't pay back after the bet... well, you'll see.

    -New Luck items:

  • Tight Lucky Cock Ring
  • 3" Defensive Luck Plug
  • 6" Lucky Lusty Plug
  • Simia's Lucky Bag
  • Lucky Skull Mask
  • Goat Paw

    -New NPC: Simia's Shadow

  • Simia's Shadow can be summoned at the new Casino's Storage room, making it easier to access. Her shadow will offer only 2 bet types, and her shop/nude version unavailable. The shadow includes new lore interactions.

    -New Enemy: Goldtooth

  • The Goldtooth can be found at The Gold Room entrance. They spawn at random, and offer the highest enemy Gold payout. While their payout is substential, Gooldtooths can steal Vbs during battle. You must be of high enough level to dispatch them before they take more Vbs from you than what they drop.

    -New PATREON reward: Upon finding the Gold Room, you may use your Patreon code to open a chest containing a substantial amount of Vbs.

    -Slimette's both regular and nude portraits Updated, she has a new look! Go check her out!

    -Essence Lakes now have a gate that need to be open to enter. It costs 5 Void Cum Jars, and the gate remains open until you leave the area.

     -New Area: Harvest Gardens

  • This Halloween Area is located to the left of the Dryad Kingdom, just under of the Dryad's Market Entrance.

    -New Armor Set: Harvester

    • Weapons Hood, Boots, and Armor. (This is a set, the armor on its own isnt that strong, but the ability from the weaponry grows in power with the more armor Harvester pieces you have)

    -New Helmet: SplatterMask

  • A powerful mask found at the Harvest Garden's cemetery. Do not be fooled by its stats, when worn, all your stats increase my 15% in battle. In exchange for a constant Health Drain Debuff.

       -New Enemies:

  • Pumpum
  • Pumpking

    These new Halloween themed enemies are strong, and drop vast amounts of Tokens and Candy. Candy are good regen items, which makes these monster amazing for recovery item farming.

    -New Drops:

  • Gummy Worms
  • Gummy Bears
  • Candy Corn
  • Event Tokens

       -New System: Event Tokens

  • This new currency will be tied to special events. For now, the Summer Event (Beach Bukake) and the Halloween Event (Harvest Gardens). These tokens will be used to purchase Event Items. The Beach Bukake Event items have also been changed to be purchased with Tokens. The Beach Bukake now drops Event Tokens depending on your performance during the Mini game.

     -New NPC: Event Vendor Abby

    • Abby replaces the old Event Vendor. It includes her own portrait art and includes Nude versions.

    -New Item: Abby's Milk

  • This item can be purchased from Abby for Event Tokens. It increases the base defense of the chosen form by 3 permanently. Upon Purchase, a little image scene will play, where Kunnai helps Abby gather the necessary ingredient ;)

-New Card Arts

  • All cards now have new art to them. Ace, and court cards (A, K, Q and J for Ace, King, Queen and Jack) have their own NSFW goth themed arts. Check them out at the Casino with Lulu!


  • Optimized Running events
  • Fixed Collision on the Void's Castle Tunnel
  • More cum variation to map sprites added


Daughter of The Void V.0.4.0 HOTFIXES Changelog:


  • Fixed Issue with Mother Shadow's not appearing after certain triggers


  • Fixed Issue with Weekdays not showing correctly.
  • Fixed issue allowing players to go backwards after killing the Intro capturer, softlocking the game


Daughter of The Void V.0.4.0 Changelog:

So what's new?:

Day and night system expanded:

  • Now this will offer week days, which will be shown above your clock. This will also control NPCS and certain shops in the future. The idea is to have a full working Date system, that will also include seasons soon.

New Expansion to Forgotten Chambers

  • This expands the area by 1 room, that will later divide the area even more (The idea for the chambers is to make them feel confusing and maze like for those who explore it, this area should feel like a distant memory for both Kunnai and the Player, like entering a new building you've never seen before)

New Enemy: Mother's Shadow

  • This creature located at the Chambers is the strongest yet, and offers a higher rate of Strange Relics. While her attacks are simpler, she will use Call of the Void, so be careful.

New NPC: Luciernaga

  • Luciernaga is a traveling merchant that will spawn at the world map during night time after beating the Dryad Kingdom. She offers Higher and rare items at a discount, she will also sell you way more items during weekends. Her nude versions are available as well, bring her 15 fireflies and she'll reward you. (You'll need the Firefly jar to capture such, which can be purchased from her as well.)

New Items:

  • Firefly Jar (Purchased from Luciernaga)
  • Firefly (They spawn at night all over the world, you can capture them, trade them, eat them for quick LST, or sell them)

New Collectible: Lillith Pussy Spread

  • As voted on, this collectible can now be unlocked by fully growing and sending your own Dryad at your Dryad's Housing to work. She will leave it on your wall as a gift and decoration.

Brothel Rebuild:

  • As I add more scenes, more floors at the brothel opened, which presented a problem. Walking up multiple floors to see a certain scene was a hassle. Now the brothel will have a single floor, where you can talk at the Voidseer in charge to play any scene you have unlocked, with their previews available. This also allowed for certain scenes to be played that were not available before. Currently The Brothel has 42 scenes, and is just missing 3 (Goblin double team scene, and special abilities scenes). To keep the essence of the brothel alive, fuck holes have been added, clients will be using them and some will unoccupied. For now you can not interact with the unoccupied ones, but these will include special scenes with possible relief systems (For depravity and Lust) in a future. In addition to that, The Brothel now has ambient sound effects to represent the depravity happening inside. This required a complete new system and rework, so please, If you find any bugs, let me know! AND ENJOY!

Changes and fixes:

  • Forgotten Chambers now include Urns that can be searched for loot.
  • General Fixed to some sprites
  • General Fixes to events not behaving correctly
  • All futa enemies can now drop Membrum cores
  • Trials can no longer be entered with other forms until they are beaten first.
  • Fixed issues with equipping pet items
  • Stumps on Earth Trial no longer teleports player
    • And anything I might had forgotten to note down.


Daughter of The Void V.0.3.9H3 Changelog:

  • Collision fixes
  • Essence caverns can now be entered with other forms after unlocking slimette
  • Void's Cruelty sword no longer crashes game
  • Void Cruelty Instant Death chance lowered to 3%
  • Mandy Infinite Candle Trade glitch fixed
  • Soft locking when using the bed from the bottom angle at Intro scene fixed.
  • Void Essences now respawn at Essence lakes
  • Re-Balanced all enemies at Essence lakes, including their health, power, drop rates, and more.
  • Brothel now automatically resets its gates when player teleports away instead of using the regular exit.


Daughter of The Void V.0.3.9H2 Changelog:

  • Sink at Kunnai's Bog house now working properly
  • Mixing Station at Kunnai's Bog house now working properly
  • Fire at Topaz Caves shortcut no longer teleports player
  • Dryad's House cost lowered to 25 Topaz


Daughter of The Void V.0.3.9H Changelog:


  • Moved multiple Collectibles on pick up to the centre of the screen.
  • Void Octopus now increases depravity.
  • Bandit camp and adjacent areas now have proper lighting during night hours.
  • Bandit Camp Battle BG no longer tiles
  • Secret Plug no longer recovers LST
  • Tintah's graphic on first meet no longer appears cropped for the first couple of frames
  • Poltergeist lever now activates Poltergeist spawn after and not before.
  • Fixed issue that rendered contest items unequipable
  • Unavoidable Ability now has correct crit chance. (Man, this thing was increasing Crits way over 100%)
  • Eris portrait no longer appears cropped for the first few frames on first meet.
  • Exiting the abandoned house at Nem'yh no longer teleports player to an instance where the Nem'yh house have been purchased regardless of the actual purchase.
  • Freeze now can be removed by walking.
  • Fire Trial's Underground collisions fixed
  • Poison can now be removed by walking, but takes longer.
  • Punnai can no longer be disbanded during the last part of the Dryad's missions.
  • Voidrat's Hybrid cum drop chance lowered to 50%
  • Goblin house now requires 2k Vbs instead of cum jars.
  • Lowered number of enemies at The Bog's Path.
  • Eris re-fight at goblin's prison fixed.
  • General Text fixes
  • General Graphical fixes


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69 days ago

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i finally got around to playing it, gokkun update time :D

love the update in general i'd just feel weird if i didnt comment on the thing i asked for getting in <3


I'm so glad you liked it! Many more to come! <3

I did update but it say it's only at version 4.2

If it shows as 4.2 on the folder ignore it, might be a typo, just start the game and check the version at the bottom right to make sure

Thank you, this is peak

Glad you enjoyed it!!